DiMarino, Kroop, Prieto Gastrointestinal Associates, P.A.
We have 12 Gastroenterologist on staff and a nurse practitioner in our Woodbury office. We have been at 26 E. Red Bank Ave for over 10 years and we are affiliated with Inspira Medical Center and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital's. We are currently accepting new patients. Gastroenterology is an area of medicine that focuses on the health of the digestive system, or the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Our specialist primarily diagnose and treat GI diseases in both adult men and women. Our Gastroenterologists can treat everything from acid reflux, Crohn s, ulcers, IBS, Hep. C, polyps, or growths, hemorrhoids, bloody stool, pancreatitis, and colon cancer. They also perform regular preventive colonoscopy screenings for men and women over the age of 50 in our endoscopy center.